We need your help! Willistown Conservation Trust maintains 3 public preserves, soon to be 4! With so much beautiful habitat, we need some help keeping these conserved lands looking their best for all visitors and ensuring they continue to provide healthy habitat for the many species that depend on them.
The Stewardship Team will begin hosting weekly volunteer work sessions, led by Preserve Manager Mike Cranney, starting on March 5. Each weekly session will run from 9 to noon and tasks will include:
- Cutting/removing invasive plants
- Clearing vines from trees and tree cages
- Planting native trees and shrubs
- Pruning trees and shrubs
- Trail clean-up and maintenance
- Stream clean-up
You can stay for the whole time or for as long as you’re able.
Interested? Visit our Event Calendar. Click “Volunteering” to see the March-April dates and sign up! Thanks! We hope to see you out there.