For the past few months, the stewardship department has missed getting the chance to meet and work with new people each week while our volunteer days have been on hold. But finally, we have an update! We are excited to announce that we will begin welcoming back, on a limited basis, volunteers who want to help us work at our preserves.

To maintain safe and comfortable conditions, we will not be resuming our regular weekly volunteer days just yet. Instead, we will be coordinating with anyone interested to schedule a time during the week when they can come out and work with us in smaller groups of one or two volunteers. While this isn’t as fun as getting everyone together, it will still allow us to get acquainted, tackle some much needed projects, and hopefully give you all a nice way to get outside and take out some stress on invasive plants!
These work sessions will be guided by a member of the stewardship team who will go over the day’s project and provide any necessary tools, while ensuring that proper social distancing measures are taken. If you are interested in scheduling a time to join us, or have any further questions, please contact our Preserve Manager, Mike Cranney. (