Click here to view the complete publication of "Beauty in the Brambles."
Useful Bird Websites
-The Bluebird Project
-Bird Friendly Coffee
-Bird Banding at Rushton Woods Preserve
-Be a Bird Savvy Consumer
-Northern Saw-whet Owl Story Map
Useful Bug Websites
-Firefly Watch
-Butterflies and Moths of North America
-The Loves and Lies of Fireflies
-Attracting Pollinators to Your Garden
Here is our curated list of great sources and staff favorites to get you started learning about, buying, and planting natives:
Online Native Plant Marketplaces
-North Creek Nurseries
(wholesale only but great for researching plants)
Summer Reading List
- Bringing Nature Home, by Doug Tallamy
- The Living Landscape, by Doug Tallamy and Rick Darke
- Nature’s Best Hope, by Doug Tallamy
- Noah’s Garden, by Sara Stein
- The Backyard Parables, by Margaret Roach
Local Landscape Companies
- Larry Weaner Landscape Associates
- Green Weaver Landscapes
- Brian O’Neil with Weeds, Inc.
- Land Stewards: Ecological Landscape Design
- Refugia
- Lupine
- Weeds Inc.