On December 5, 2023, WCT accepted its first-ever donation of a conservation easement on a property located in Radnor Township, Delaware County. Thanks to the conservation vision of H. Ross Watson, his 5.6-acre property on Langdale Road known as “Frog Hollow” will be preserved for the benefit of its scenic, historic, and natural attributes and forever protected from further development.
In another first for WCT, this conservation project was accomplished in partnership with the Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia, which concurrently accepted the donation of a preservation easement protecting the property’s historic buildings. The Preservation Alliance notes that Mr. Watson’s 18th-century home and other buildings on the site “contribute to the historic sense of place and feeling of the property, and represent a valuable example of a historic architectural style worthy of preservation.”
The conservation easement held by WCT will complement the work of the Preservation Alliance by protecting the property’s important ecological features and wildlife habitats, which include native and non-native non-invasive plant species, riparian resources associated with an unnamed tributary of Darby Creek, a spring-fed pond, wetlands, open grasslands, and steeply sloped woodlands.