Greetings Jr. Birders!
I just wanted to remind you that since this is a holiday weekend and many little birders might have flown the coop, the PA Young Birder meeting that was scheduled for this Saturday February 18th has been rescheduled to next Saturday February 25, 9:30-11am. We will be investigating adaptations of winter birds…look for more information to come next week; as of now, we will meet at the Trust headquarters (925 Providence Rd, Newtown Square PA). Please RSVP to Lisa Kiziuk (lkr@wctrust.org).
If you have time this weekend, be sure to participate in Audubon’s Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC)! All you need to do is count birds for at least 15 minutes in your yard one day this weekend to help scientists gain a national snapshot of winter bird distribution (and a glimpse into the beginning of spring migration, believe it or not). Here’s the website for GBBC instructions, data entry, and fun stuff for kids: http://www.birdsource.org/gbbc/
Have a great, long weekend!