Molly Clark (she/her)
Rushton Farm Part-time Production Manager
With her experience working on water quality and watershed restoration with the Susquehanna River Basin and Chesapeake Bay Foundation, you might assume that Molly is part of our Watershed Protection Team, but in reality, she helps lead Rushton Farm as our Production Manager. Since joining our staff in 2016, she has been responsible for growing delicious veggies, along with her other tasks of managing the day-to-day operations of the farm, keeping track of seeding and planting schedules, and managing the field crew. Off the farm, you can find Molly horseback riding, hiking with her husband, and spending time with her family and six nieces and nephews.
Molly's favorite part about working at Willistown Conservation Trust?
I love growing food, working with the awesome crew at the farm and getting to directly interact with the community members for which we grow the food!