Fall is quickly approaching and our bird banding station is up and running! You are invited to join our WCT bird banding team where you can learn all phases of bird banding research which include:
* setting up and taking down mist-nets
* capturing, handling and releasing wild birds
* taking birds from nets
* identifying, aging and sexing each bird
* weighing and measuring birds
* documenting research into the federal data bank
* documenting with photography
Led by the talented Doris McGovern, a federally licensed bird bander, our staff is available to help you whether you want to come for the day to observe or should you want to become part of the program as a regular volunteer.
The banding station is located at the Rushton Woods and Farm Preserve and you may park in the Rushton Farm parking lot, located at the corner of Goshen and Delchester Roads, with the entrance on Delchester Road . You can walk towards the hedgerows opposite the parking lot and follow the path to the right which eventually turns left and cuts through the hedgerow. Take the left path and follow until you see our research table.
Our program will run every week during fall migration beginning August 31 through the end of October and will occur every Tuesday and Wednesday as weather permits–we don’t band if it rains or if temperatures fall below freezing. Although the nets go up at sunrise, visitors wishing to see the most birds should arrive no later than 8 am. Action is often constant until about 11am, after which the nets are closed. In October, once the neo-tropical migrants have left our region, we will begin the first season of our northern Saw-whet Owl research, capturing migrating Saw-whet Owls in the evenings. This schedule will be sent at a later date.
Teaching children and adults a conservation ethic, the importance for preserving open space, and the value and use of scientific research skills are the passions which we strive to share with all of the participants that visit our bird banding station. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via e-mail or phone anytime. We hope to see you throughout the season!