Partner Event | Wild Birds Unlimited Presents: Learn About the Motus Wildlife Tracking for Conservation

This event is hosted by Wild Birds Unlimited. Email to sign up for the presentation.

Join Wild Birds Unlimited and Blake Goll, Educations Program Manager, as she teaches us about how bird tracking is done. This event will be held at 100 Evergreen Drive Glen Mills, PA 19342

Blake is a federally licensed bird bander and certified under the North American Banding Council. She is one of our primary bird banders and assists with running the bird banding station and associated outreach. She has developed WCT’s Rushton Nature Keepers program and curriculum for children as well as various other nature education programs for all ages.

The Motus Wildlife Tracking System (Motus) is an international collaborative research network that uses coordinated automated radio telemetry to facilitate research and education on the ecology and conservation of migratory animals including bats, insects, and birds.

Willistown Conservation Trust helped establish the Northeast Motus Collaboration in 2017 to plug a significant geographic gap of receiver stations across the mid-Atlantic region to New England. This has made tracking of migratory bird species in eastern North America dramatically more effective.


Apr 22 2023


5:30 pm - 6:30 pm


Willistown Conservation Trust