925 Providence Road
Newtown Square, PA 19073
(610) 353-2562

Northern Saw-whet Owl Banding – NOT OPEN TO PUBLIC
Please note that this event is for Rushton Nature Keepers ONLY. Saw-What Owl Banding is closed to the public at this time.
Observe Northern Saw-whet Owl banding at Rushton Farm and experience nature at night. These tiny owls (no bigger than a soda can) travel through Pennsylvania in the fall in search of ideal overwintering habitat. Learn all about their ecology and conservation from our field scientists, and (hopefully) see an owl up-close.
This event is Birds and Wildlife (Bird Icon), Healthy Habitat (Leaf Icon).
Rushton Nature Keepers (RNK) is a membership only program for children ages 7-11. You can only register for individual RNK events if you have paid the membership fee. For more information about Rushton Nature Keepers click here. Contact Blake Goll, Education Programs Manager with questions at bhg@wctrust.org.