925 Providence Road
Newtown Square, PA 19073
(610) 353-2562

Stream Walks (1)
Explore different stretches of the stream with our watershed specialists while learning about the basics of stream ecology. We will get up close with macroinvertebrates that call the stream bed home and get a chance to discover our bucolic grassland preserve. Wear shoes that can go in the water! Attend either event.
This event is Watersheds (Waterdrop Icon) and Healthy Habitat (Leaf Icon).
Rushton Nature Keepers (RNK) is a membership only program for children ages 7-11. You can only register for individual RNK events if you have paid the membership fee. For more information about Rushton Nature Keepers click here. Contact Blake Goll, Education Programs Manager with questions at bhg@wctrust.org.