925 Providence Road
Newtown Square, PA 19073
(610) 353-2562

Avian Adventures with Aaron | September 16th
Each year during the fall, millions of nearctic-neotropic migrant birds will make take an annual journey from their northern breeding grounds to more temperate climates south, from the southern US, through central America, and into South America as far as Patagonia. Come visit WCT’s premier wildlife refuge, Rushton Woods Preserve, as we witness the greatest migration period in the Philadelphia region. Dozens of warblers, vireos, and sparrow species will stopover in our beloved hedgerows for critical rest and recovery, providing birders with an incredible diversity of songbirds to learn and appreciate.
About Aaron Coolman | Motus Technician and Avian Migration Ecologist
As his title suggests, Aaron wears a lot of hats. With a bachelor’s degree in agriculture from Ohio State University, experience in residential garden design, former work as a USFWS Biotechnician, and history as a volunteer for the Maryland DNR Heritage Program, Aaron is a perfect fit at our organization and has been working with WCT since 2022. A nature enthusiast, Aaron spends much of his free time birding, gardening, volunteering for various conservation groups, and photographing…you guessed it…nature!