Join Our Mailing List!
We offer multiple mailing lists: Scroll down to sign up
The Meadowlark | This gives you access to The Meadowlark Newsletter, which features Program updates, news, and our many events at the start of every month. You will also receive our Meadowlark Calendar mid-month, which includes our events listing, so you can be the first to sign up. That’s only two emails per month, though on occasion, we may also send you important, time sensitive news.
A Bird's Eye View of Rushton | A seasonal newsletter that goes out every Thursday during spring and fall migration, this publication recounts bird banding updates from our Rushton Woods Banding Station, news on Motus, and other bird-related news.
Tributaries | A quarterly newsletter that goes out every equinox and solstice, Tributaries brings you Watershed Protection Program news and updates, as well as volunteer opportunities and information from our broader watershed community!
The Wild Carrot | This newsletter is for CSA Members and includes a weekly pickup list and news from Rushton Farm. Interested in becoming a CSA Member?