Walking in a Winter Wonderland, at Rushton Woods Preserve

Join Associate Director of Stewardship Andrew Kirkpatrick for a guided walk through the wonders of Rushton Woods Preserve in the wintertime, encompassing the different habitats throughout the preserve. Meet at 9 am, sharp, for coffee and light refreshments, and dress for the weather, as we will head out by 9:15 be outside for the remainder of the morning.

Read our FAQs for important information.

Getting to the Rushton Conservation Center:The Rushton Conservation Center is located at Rushton Woods Preserve. Because the building is new, the address (915 Delchester Road, Newtown Square) may not be correctly recognized by your GPS or Waze. Alternatively, you can use Rushton Woods Preserve as a landmark or the address of Rushton Farm (911 Delchester Road, Newtown Square). The entrance to the Rushton Conservation Center is located approximately 100 yards south of the Rushton Farm entrance and is marked by lighted bollards. Event signage will be posted.

Cancellation:Events may be cancelled or rescheduled due to inclement weather or low registration. In that case, we will make every effort to update our website, contact registrants, and reschedule if possible.

Photography policy:Attendance at Willistown Conservation Trust programs and events constitutes consent to be photographed for use in print and electronic media. Images will not be identified using full names without written approval from the individual. Please notify Trust staff if you would prefer that your photo not be used.


Jan 30 2020


9:00 am - 11:00 am



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Willistown Conservation Trust